Hi! I am a Ph.D. student and a Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics (AFRE) at Michigan State University. My research focuses on critical development issues, including poverty, technology adoption, social networks, poverty, and agricultural value chains in developing countries such as Bangladesh, Tanzania and Kenya. I have published collaborative research works in reputable field journals. Before starting my graduate studies, I worked at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) in Bangladesh for three and a half years.
I am an economics research enthusiast. I write blogs and newspaper articles and make videos on political-economic issues. Proficient in both Bangla and English, I have a beginner’s understanding of the French language. You can call me Nahian.
Graduate Student, Ph.D. Program, 2021-Present
Michigan State University
Master's in Economics, 2017
University of Dhaka
Bachelor in Economics, 2016
University of Dhaka
“নিজস্ব অর্থায়নে পদ্মাসেতু” কথাটা দারুণ একটা বিজ্ঞাপন। একটা প্রকল্পকে “স্বতন্ত্র একটা প্রতিষ্ঠান” হিসেবে চিন্তা করলে কথা সত্য। তবে সত্য ব্যাপারটা হচ্ছে, এই প্রকল্পের ম্যানেজারিয়াল প্রতিষ্ঠানটার নাম সরকার, যার অধীনে পদ্মাসেতু একটি মেগা প্রকল্প। সরকারের এমন আরও অনেক মেগাপ্রকল্প/প্রকল্প আছে, যেগুলো সরকারকে অর্থায়ন করতে হয়, চালাতে হয়।
Read MoreTo date, the coronavirus pandemic has infected about 3.5 million and killed about 250 thousand people worldwide. It has also changed how we live, interact, and work. While new infections and deaths are slowing down in Europe and North America, the pandemic is rapidly expanding to poorer countries of Asia and Africa. With health systems rapidly preparing for care management of those infected, several countries in South Asia have adopted the lockdown approach to curtail the spread of virus. Though this approach might appear to serve the best interest of countries in containing the spread of the virus in the long-term, several unintended consequences may unfold in the interim.
Read Moreএখন পর্যন্ত করোনাভাইরাস মহামারিতে পৃথিবীজুড়ে আক্রান্ত হয়েছেন প্রায় ৩৫ লক্ষ মানুষ এবং মৃত্যুবরণ করেছেন প্রায় আড়াই লক্ষ মানুষ। এই মহামারিটি পরিবর্তন এনেছে আমাদের জীবনযাত্রায়, ক্রিয়া-প্রতিক্রিয়ায় এবং কর্মকৌশলে। ইউরোপ এবং উত্তর আমেরিকার দেশগুলোতে রোগাক্রান্ত ও মৃত্যুর হার কমে এলেও এই মহামারি এশিয়া ও আফ্রিকার দেশগুলোতে দ্রুতগতিতে ছড়িয়ে পড়ছে। বিশ্ব খাদ্য কর্মসূচির নতুন প্রতিবেদন অনুযায়ী করোনাভাইরাস-উদ্ভূত লকডাউনের কারণে ২০২০ সালের শেষ নাগাদ নিম্ন-আয় ও মধ্য-আয়ের দেশের প্রায় ২৬ কোটি ৫০ লক্ষ মানুষ তীব্র ক্ষুধার মুখোমুখি হবে।
Read Moreবাংলাদেশে সকল উপজেলা পর্যায়ে সরকারি হাসপাতাল স্থাপন করার বড় কারণ ছিল, রোগীর বাড়ি থেকে হাসপাতাল যাতে কাছে হয়। প্রত্যন্ত অঞ্চলে বসবাসরত রোগীর হঠাৎ কোন সমস্যার সাময়িক অথবা স্থায়ী সমাধানের জন্য সরকারের এই বিনিয়োগ কাজে এসেছে।
Read MoreAs a Research Assistant to principal investigators Dr. Mywish Maredia and Dr. Eric Crawford, I am working on a project funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS).
As a consultant, prepared a scoping study on Skills Development of Youths in Bangladesh by taking the lead in collecting data, analyzing it, presenting the findings, and writing a final report.
Working with Shyamal Chowdhury, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, The University of Sydney), Kalyani Raghunathan, Ph.D. (Research Fellow, IFPRI), and Shahidur Rashid, Ph.D. (Director for South Asia, IFPRI) on a nationally representative follow-up survey-based study that will assess the impact of COVID-19 on ultra-poor beneficiaries of a social safety net program.
During my tenure as President (2015-16) at ESC, I initiated and edited the first ever students’ economics digest of Bangladesh- “Bangladesh Students’ Digest on Economics and Development”, a compilation of academic articles by undergrad students in Bangladesh. With our team, we organized 10 seminars and symposiums on global and regional economic issues conducted by the prominent economists of Bangladesh to encourage the students in research analysis.
Worked with Dr. Paul Dorosh of IFPRI in a diagnostic study of Food Policy Monitoring Unit (FPMU), the institution responsible for monitoring the food security situation and the implementation of relevant policies in Bangladesh.
Working with Shahidur Rashid, Ph.D. (Director for South Asia office, IFPRI), Xiaobo Zhang, Ph.D. (Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI), Nicholas Minot, Ph.D. (Deputy Division Director, Market, Trade and Institutions Division, IFPRI), Sudha Narayanan, Ph.D. (Research Fellow, IFPRI) on a follow-up survey of 1947 rice value chain actors, 2200 fish value chain actors and 1300 shrimp value chain actors to assess the impact of COVID-19. Involved in drafting and implementing the budget, designing the questionnaire, negotiating with the survey firm, coordinating the consultations sessions, managing and analyzing the data, and writing the paper(s).
Coordinated the capacity strengthening activity for a group of 40 government officials in Bangladesh for their on-the-job training. Taught a short course on process evaluation of social safety net programs.
Worked with Dr. Shyamal Chowdhury, Associate Professor, The University of Sydney and Dr. Shahidur Rashid in a process evaluation survey conducted among over 8000 respondents for a social safety net program.
Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Mushfiq Mobarak, Ph.D. of Yale University in a project on migration which is called “No lean season”. The project was conducted by Yale University, IPA, Evidence Action and RDRS, Bangladesh.
Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Mushfiq Mobarak, Ph.D. in a project in association with the World Bank and Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET), Bangladesh.
Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Sarah Baird, Ph.D. of George Washington University in GAGE (Gender & Adolescence: Global Evidence) project which is addressing gender adolescence and poverty in 4 different countries - Bangladesh, Nepal, Rwanda and Ethiopia.
Making economics videos on 10 Minute School, which is currently the largest online educational platform in Bangladesh
Sometimes, I become a visual storyteller. Although my current involvement in photography mostly relies on my travel and field research destinations, I was an event photographer until 2017.