As a consultant, prepared a scoping study on Skills Development of Youths in Bangladesh by taking the lead in collecting data, analyzing it, presenting the findings, and writing a final report.
Worked with Dr. Paul Dorosh of IFPRI in a diagnostic study of Food Policy Monitoring Unit (FPMU), the institution responsible for monitoring the food security situation and the implementation of relevant policies in Bangladesh.
Coordinated the capacity strengthening activity for a group of 40 government officials in Bangladesh for their on-the-job training. Taught a short course on process evaluation of social safety net programs.
Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Mushfiq Mobarak, Ph.D. of Yale University in a project on migration which is called "No lean season". The project was conducted by Yale University, IPA, Evidence Action and RDRS, Bangladesh.
Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Mushfiq Mobarak, Ph.D. in a project in association with the World Bank and Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET), Bangladesh.
Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Sarah Baird, Ph.D. of George Washington University in GAGE (Gender & Adolescence: Global Evidence) project which is addressing gender adolescence and poverty in 4 different countries - Bangladesh, Nepal, Rwanda and Ethiopia.