
Scoping Study on Skills Development of Youths: Swisscontact Bangladesh (November 2020-December 2020)

As a consultant, prepared a scoping study on Skills Development of Youths in Bangladesh by taking the lead in collecting data, analyzing it, presenting the findings, and writing a final report.

Institutional Diagnostic Study for Food Planning and Monitoring (FPMU), Ministry of Food, Bangladesh: IFPRI (November 2018-June 2020)

Worked with Dr. Paul Dorosh of IFPRI in a diagnostic study of Food Policy Monitoring Unit (FPMU), the institution responsible for monitoring the food security situation and the implementation of relevant policies in Bangladesh.

Capacity Strengthening Project: IFPRI (November 2019-February 2020)

Coordinated the capacity strengthening activity for a group of 40 government officials in Bangladesh for their on-the-job training. Taught a short course on process evaluation of social safety net programs.

Study on Internal Migration: IPA (February 2018-April 2018)

Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Mushfiq Mobarak, Ph.D. of Yale University in a project on migration which is called "No lean season". The project was conducted by Yale University, IPA, Evidence Action and RDRS, Bangladesh.

Study on "Government to Government" Migration: IPA (May 2018-August 2018)

Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Mushfiq Mobarak, Ph.D. in a project in association with the World Bank and Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET), Bangladesh.

Study on Gender and Adolescence: IPA (January 2018-February2018)

Worked as a Research Analyst under principal investigator Professor Sarah Baird, Ph.D. of George Washington University in GAGE (Gender & Adolescence: Global Evidence) project which is addressing gender adolescence and poverty in 4 different countries - Bangladesh, Nepal, Rwanda and Ethiopia.